// Major version of Flash required var requiredMajorVersion = 9; // Minor version of Flash required var requiredMinorVersion = 0; // Minor version of Flash required var requiredRevision = 0; // for load swf function writeswf2(swfid, swfsrc, noRandom){ document.write(swfLoad2(swfid, swfsrc, noRandom)); } function swfLoad2(swfid, swfsrc, noRandom) { // check whether maxthon //alert(navigator.appName); var swfSRC = swfsrc||swfid; var tail = ''; if (!noRandom) tail = '?rdm=' + Math.random().toString() + '&from=' + window.location.host; else tail = '?' + 1 + '&from=' + window.location.host; // Version check for the Flash Player that has the ability to start Player Product Install (6.0r65) var hasProductInstall = DetectFlashVer(6, 0, 65); // Version check based upon the values defined in globals var hasRequestedVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision); // Check to see if a player with Flash Product Install is available and the version does not meet the requirements for playback if ( hasProductInstall && !hasRequestedVersion ) { // MMdoctitle is the stored document.title value used by the installation process to close the window that started the process // This is necessary in order to close browser windows that are still utilizing the older version of the player after installation has completed // DO NOT MODIFY THE FOLLOWING FOUR LINES // Location visited after installation is complete if installation is required var MMPlayerType = (isIE == true) ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn"; var MMredirectURL = window.location; document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation"; var MMdoctitle = document.title; return AC_FL_RunContent( "src", "/swf/playerProductInstall" + tail, "FlashVars", "MMredirectURL="+MMredirectURL+'&MMplayerType='+MMPlayerType+'&MMdoctitle='+MMdoctitle+"", "width", "100%", "height", "100%", "align", "middle", "id", swfid, "quality", "high", "bgcolor", "#ffffff", "name", swfid, "allowScriptAccess","always", "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" ); } else if (hasRequestedVersion) { // if we've detected an acceptable version // embed the Flash Content SWF when all tests are passed return AC_FL_RunContent( "src", 'swf/' + swfSRC + tail, //"src", swfid, "width", "100%", "height", "100%", "align", "middle", "id", swfid, "quality", "high", "bgcolor", "#ffffff", "name", swfid, "wmode", "opaque", "allowScriptAccess","always", "type", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "pluginspage", "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" ); } else { // flash is too old or we can't detect the plugin var alternateContent = '您的浏览器没有安装Flash播放器,请点击' + '这里下载安装'; return alternateContent; } } // for market big trade stock function znzMarketBigTradeStock(divID, interval, stockType) { this.divID = divID; this.interval = interval; this.stockType = stockType || 'SH'; this.sNumber = 0; this.dateTime = "00000000"; this.tradeItems = []; this.running = true; this.mTimer = null; this.inited = false; this._init(); } znzMarketBigTradeStock.prototype._init = function() { this._update(); this.inited = true; } znzMarketBigTradeStock.prototype._update = function() { if(this.mTimer) window.clearTimeout(this.mTimer); if(this.running) { if(!this.inited || inHqTime()) this._refresh(); this.mTimer = window.setTimeout(this._update.bind(this), this.interval); } } znzMarketBigTradeStock.prototype._refresh = function() { var args = { method : 'get', onComplete : function(rep){ var ret = rep; var retObj = ret.parseJSON(); if( !retObj || retObj.length != 2 || retObj[1].length != 3) return; if(retObj[0] != this.dateTime) { this.dateTime = retObj[0]; this.tradeItems = []; } this.sNumber = retObj[1][1]; this.dataObj = retObj; this.tradeItems = this.tradeItems.concat(this.dataObj[1][2]); // limit length to 50 while(this.tradeItems.length > 50) { this.tradeItems.shift(); } this._set(); }.bind(this) }; var infoURL = 'http://' + rdmDataDomainNameGet()+ '/test/data.py/bigTradeMarket.znzDo?cmd=' + this.stockType.toLowerCase() + '|' + this.dateTime + '|' + this.sNumber + '|' + Math.random().toString(); //alert(infoURL); var myAjaj = new Ajaj(infoURL, args); } // rewrite znzMarketBigTradeStock's _set function znzMarketBigTradeStock.prototype._set = function() { if(this.tradeItems.length < 1) { $(this.divID + '-table').style.display = "none"; return; } var tableStr = ''; innerSet($(this.divID + '-table'), tableStr, null); if($(this.divID + '-table').style.display != "block") { $(this.divID + '-table').style.display = "block"; } } znzMarketBigTradeStock.prototype.stop = function() { this.running = false; if(this.mTimer) window.clearTimeout(this.mTimer); } znzMarketBigTradeStock.prototype.restart = function() { this.running = true; this._update(); } //for ddz sort function znzDDZSort(divID, interval, ctrID, data) { this.divID = divID; interval = interval||60000; if (!(interval < 60000)) interval = 60000; this.interval = interval; this.ctrID = ctrID; this.topOrder = true; this.dataObj = null; if(data) this.data = data.substr(0, data.length -1); this.inited = false; this._init(); } znzDDZSort.prototype._init = function() { if(!$(this.ctrID)) return; $(this.ctrID).onclick = function() { if (this.topOrder == true) { this.topOrder = false; $(this.ctrID).innerHTML = '切换至排行前十     '; $(this.ctrID).className = 'incolor'; } else { this.topOrder = true; $(this.ctrID).innerHTML = '切换至排行后十     '; $(this.ctrID).className = 'decolor'; } window.setTimeout(this._refresh.bind(this), 100); }.bind(this) this._update(); this.inited = true; } znzDDZSort.prototype._update = function() { if(this.data) { this._set(this.data); this.data = null; } else { if(!this.inited || inHqTime()) this._refresh(); } window.setTimeout(this._update.bind(this), this.interval); } znzDDZSort.prototype._refresh = function() { var args = { method : 'get', onComplete : function(rep) { this._set(rep); }.bind(this) }; var infoURL; if(this.topOrder == true) infoURL = '//' + rdmDataDomainNameGet() + '/test/ddz.py/history_top10.znzDo?cmd=' + Math.random().toString(); else infoURL = '//' + rdmDataDomainNameGet() + '/test/ddz.py/history_last10.znzDo?cmd='+ Math.random().toString(); var myAjaj = new Ajaj(infoURL, args); } znzDDZSort.prototype._set = function(dataStr){ var retObj = dataStr.parseJSON(); if(retObj[0] == -1) { $(this.divID).style.display = "none"; return; } div = ''; div += '\n'; div += ' ' for(var i=0; i< retObj.length; i++) { div += ''; var currValue; var lastValue; var stockName; var stockCode; var ddzValue; currValue = retObj[i][4]; lastValue = retObj[i][3]; if (currValue == null || lastValue == null){ return; } stockName = decodeURIComponent(retObj[i][2]); stockCode = retObj[i][0]; ddzValue = retObj[i][1]; var valueColor = 'nocolor'; if (currValue > lastValue) valueColor = 'incolor'; if (currValue < lastValue) valueColor = 'decolor'; var ddzColor = 'nocolor'; if (ddzValue > 0) ddzColor = 'incolor'; if (ddzValue < 0) ddzColor = 'decolor'; div += ''; div += ''; div += ''; div += '\n'; } div += '
名  称价  格 主力动向
' + currValue.toFixed(2).toString() + '' + ddzValue.toFixed(2).toString() + '
'; innerSet($(this.divID), div, null); if($(this.divID).style.display != "block") $(this.divID).style.display = "block"; } // for index summary function znzIdxSummary(divID, interval, data, realDomain, targetType, setFunction, jmpUrl) { this.divID = divID; this.interval = interval; if(data) this.data = data.substr(0, data.length -1); if(realDomain) this.realDomain = realDomain; this.targetType = '_self'; if(targetType) this.targetType = targetType; this._set = setFunction || this._set; this.mJumpUrl = jmpUrl || "realstock.php"; this.inited = false; this._init(); } znzIdxSummary.prototype._init = function() { this._update(); this.inited = true; } znzIdxSummary.prototype._update = function() { if(this.mTimer) window.clearTimeout(this.mTimer); if(this.data) { this._set(this.data); this.data = null; } else { if(!this.inited || inHqTime()) this._refresh(); } this.mTimer = window.setTimeout(this._update.bind(this), this.interval); } znzIdxSummary.prototype._refresh = function() { var args = { method : 'get', onComplete : function(rep){ this._set(rep); }.bind(this) }; infoURL = '//' + rdmDataDomainNameGet()+ '/test/data.py/prices.znzDo?cmd=sh000001,sz399001,sz399006|' + Math.random().toString(); var myAjaj = new Ajaj(infoURL, args); } znzIdxSummary.prototype._set = function(dataStr) { var retObj = dataStr.parseJSON(); var div = ''; var color = 'nocolor'; if (retObj['sh000001'][2] > retObj['sh000001'][1]) color = 'incolor'; if (retObj['sh000001'][2] < retObj['sh000001'][1]) color = 'decolor'; var urlPrefix = ''; if (this.realDomain) { urlPrefix = '//' + this.realDomain + '/stock/'; } var flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3; flag0 = flag1 = flag2 = flag3 = "+"; if(retObj['sh000001'][2]-retObj['sh000001'][1] < 0.0) flag0 = ""; if(retObj['sz399001'][2]-retObj['sz399001'][1] < 0.0) flag1 = ""; // if(retObj['sz399005'][2]-retObj['sz399005'][1] < 0.0) // flag2 = ""; if(retObj['sz399006'][2]-retObj['sz399006'][1] < 0.0) flag3 = ""; if(typeof idxSumIndec == "undefined") idxSumIndec = "rate"; div += ''; color = 'nocolor'; if (retObj['sz399001'][2] > retObj['sz399001'][1]) color = 'incolor'; if (retObj['sz399001'][2] < retObj['sz399001'][1]) color = 'decolor'; div += ''; /* color = 'nocolor'; if (retObj['sz399005'][2] > retObj['sz399005'][1]) color = 'incolor'; if (retObj['sz399005'][2] < retObj['sz399005'][1]) color = 'decolor'; div += ''; */ color = 'nocolor'; if (retObj['sz399006'][2] > retObj['sz399006'][1]) color = 'incolor'; if (retObj['sz399006'][2] < retObj['sz399006'][1]) color = 'decolor'; div += ''; innerSet($(this.divID), div, null); } var sug6181Data = { "61" : "61;68Ash;沪A排名;", "62" : "62;68Bsh;沪B排名;", "63" : "63;68Asz;深A排名;", "64" : "64;68Bsz;深B排名;", "81" : "81;68A81sh;沪A排名;", "82" : "82;68B81sh;沪B排名;", "83" : "83;68A81sz;深A排名;", "84" : "84;68B81sz;深B排名;" } var defaultu = "realstock.php"; // for query var suggestQuery = function(queryInputId, selectDivId, codeInputId, queryformId, defUrl, defUrlSubFunc, directSubmitFunc, need8161){ this.mCurrLine = -1; this.mCurrTRs = []; this.mQueryInput = $(queryInputId); this.mSelectDiv = $(selectDivId); this.mTableID = ""; this.mCodeInput = $(codeInputId); this.mQueryForm = $(queryformId); this.mDefUrl = defUrl || "realstock.php"; this.mDirectSubmitFunc = directSubmitFunc || null; this.mDefUrlSubFunc = defUrlSubFunc || null; this.mNeed8161 = need8161 || true; this.mOnInput = false; this.mSelStockType = null; this.mSelStockCode = null; this.mSelStockName = null; this._init(); } suggestQuery.prototype._init = function() { if(!this.mQueryInput) return; this.mQueryInput.value = '代码/名称/拼音'; this.mQueryInput.onfocus = function() { this.oninput = true; if(this.mQueryInput.value == '代码/名称/拼音') this.mQueryInput.value = ''; }.bind(this); this.mQueryInput.onclick = function() { if(this.mQueryInput.value == '代码/名称/拼音') this.mQueryInput.value = ''; }.bind(this); this.mQueryInput.onblur = function () { if(this.mQueryInput.value == '') { this.mQueryInput.value = '代码/名称/拼音'; this.mSelectDiv.style.display = 'none'; } this.mOnInput = false; // }.bind(this); this.mQueryInput.onkeyup = function (ev) { ev = ev || window.event || null; if (typeof ev.keyCode != "number") return; if(ev.keyCode == 38 || ev.keyCode == 40 ) // key is up or down { if (this.mCurrTRs) { var newLine = this.mCurrLine; if(ev.keyCode == 38) { if(this.mCurrLine > 0) newLine = this.mCurrLine - 1; } else { if(this.mCurrLine < this.mCurrTRs.length -1) newLine = this.mCurrLine +1; } this.selectChange(newLine); } } else { var query = this.mQueryInput.value; if (query.indexOf('代码/名称/拼音')>=0){ query = query.replace('代码/名称/拼音', ''); this.mQueryInput.value = query; } query = query.replace(' ', ''); if( query == '') { this.mSelectDiv.innerHTML = ''; this.mSelectDiv.style.display = 'none'; return; } var args = { method : 'get', onComplete : this.onSugRecved.bind(this) }; query = encodeURIComponent(query); query = '//' + WEB_SERVER + '/pyui/suggestion.py/handler?query=' + query; var myAjaj = new Ajaj(query, args); } }.bind(this); var that = this; if(this.mDirectSubmitFunc) { this.mQueryForm.onsubmit = function(){ if(that.mSelStockCode) { that.mDirectSubmitFunc(that.mSelStockType + that.mSelStockCode, that.mSelStockName); } else { alert('没有相应的股票存在!'); } that.mSelectDiv.innerHTML = ''; that.mSelectDiv.style.display = "none"; that.mQueryInput.value = ''; return false; }; return; } else { this.mQueryForm.onsubmit = function(){ this.submit(); return false; }; } } suggestQuery.prototype.onSugRecved = function(rep) { var ret = decodeURIComponent(rep); var lines = ret.split('|'); var query = this.mQueryInput.value; if (this.mNeed8161 && sug6181Data[query]){ lines.unshift(sug6181Data[query]); } this.tableid = "select-table-" + Math.random(); var content = '' for(var i=0; i< lines.length&&i < 10; i++) { stocks = lines[i].split(';'); if(stocks.length != 4 ) continue; content += ''; content += '' + '' + '' + ''; content += ''; } content += '
' + stocks[0] + '' + stocks[1] + '' + stocks[2] + '' + stocks[3] + '
'; this.mSelectDiv.innerHTML = content; this.mSelectDiv.style.display = "block"; window.setTimeout(this.selectInit.bind(this), 100); } suggestQuery.prototype.selectInit = function() { var table = $(this.tableid); var that = this; if (table) { if (table.childNodes[0]) { this.mCurrTRs = table.childNodes[0].childNodes; this.selectChange(0) for (var i=0; i< this.mCurrTRs.length; i++) { this.mCurrTRs[i].onmouseover = function() { var j = 0; for(j =0; j< that.mCurrTRs.length; j ++) { if(that.mCurrTRs[j] == this) break; } that.selectChange(j); } this.mCurrTRs[i].onclick = function() { var j = 0; for(j =0; j< that.mCurrTRs.length; j ++) { if(that.mCurrTRs[j] == this) break; } that.mQueryForm.onsubmit(); } } } } } suggestQuery.prototype.selectChange = function(newLine) { if (this.mCurrTRs.length <= 0) { this.mSelStockType = null; this.mSelStockCode = null; this.mSelStockName = null; return false; } if (this.mCurrLine < 0 || this.mCurrLine > this.mCurrTRs.length -1) this.mCurrLine = 0; this.mCurrTRs[this.mCurrLine].className = "realstock-query-select-unselected"; this.mCurrTRs[newLine].className = "realstock-query-select-selected"; this.mCurrLine = newLine; // set input values var tds = this.mCurrTRs[this.mCurrLine].childNodes; var stype = tds[1].innerHTML; var code = tds[0].innerHTML; this.mSelStockType = stype; this.mSelStockCode = code; this.mSelStockName = tds[2].innerHTML; this.mCodeInput.name = 'code'; var nowaction = this.mQueryForm.action.toString(); if (nowaction.lastIndexOf("/") > 0){ nowaction = nowaction.substring(0, nowaction.lastIndexOf("/")+1); }else{ nowaction = ""; } if(stype == 'SH'){ this.mQueryForm.action = nowaction + defaultu; this.mCodeInput.value = 'sh' + tds[0].innerHTML; }else{ if(stype == 'SZ'){ this.mQueryForm.action = nowaction + defaultu; this.mCodeInput.value = 'sz' + tds[0].innerHTML; }else{ this.mQueryForm.action = nowaction + "newsort.php"; this.mCodeInput.name = 'boardNo'; this.mCodeInput.value = '' + tds[0].innerHTML; if(stype == 'IH'){ this.mCodeInput.value = 'SHHQ' + tds[0].innerHTML; } if(stype == 'IZ'){ this.mCodeInput.value = 'SZHQ' + tds[0].innerHTML; } if(stype.indexOf('68') == 0){ this.mCodeInput.name = 'markettype'; this.mCodeInput.value = tds[1].innerHTML.toString().substring(2); } if(this.mDefUrlSubFunc) { this.mQueryForm.onsubmit = function(){ that.mDefUrlSubFunc(stype); return false; }; } } } } var znzIdxSort = function(keys, count, interval, data){ this.interval = interval; this.count = count; this.keys = keys; if(data) this.data = data.substr(0, data.length -1); this.inited = false; this._init(); } znzIdxSort.prototype._init = function() { this._update(); this.inited = true; } znzIdxSort.prototype._update = function() { if(this.data) { this._set(this.data); this.data = null; } else { if(!this.inited || inHqTime()) this._refresh(); } window.setTimeout(this._update.bind(this), this.interval); } znzIdxSort.prototype._refresh = function(){ var args = { method : 'get', onComplete : function(rep){ this._set(rep); }.bind(this) }; var infoURL = '//'+rdmDataDomainNameGet()+'/test/sort2.py/sortCover.znzDo?cmd=' + Math.random().toString(); var myAjaj = new Ajaj(infoURL, args); } $old_znzIdxSort_set = znzIdxSort.prototype._setDiv; znzIdxSort.prototype._setDiv = function(up, retList){ var divText = "涨跌幅"; var div = "
" else div += "'>"; div += ''; div += '\n"; while (retList.length > this.count) retList.pop(); for (var i = 0; i < retList.length; i++){ div += ""; div += ""; var stockcode = retList[i][0].toLowerCase().replace("hq",""); div += ""; var classN = ""; if (retList[i][2] < retList[i][3]) classN = "incolor"; if (retList[i][2] > retList[i][3]) classN = "decolor"; div += ""; classN = ""; if (retList[i][4] > 0) classN = "incolor"; if (retList[i][4] < 0) classN = "decolor"; retList[i][4] = retList[i][4].toFixed(2) + "%"; div += ""; div += ""; } div += "
  名  称
价 格'; div += divText+"
"+parseFloat(retList[i][3]).toFixed(retList[i][5]?3:2)+"" + ( retList[i][4] ) + "
"; div += "
"; return div; } znzIdxSort.prototype._set = function(rep){ var retObj = rep.parseJSON(); var divStr = ""; if (retObj["sz"]){ var retHash = retObj["sz"]; divStr = this._setDiv("inc", retHash["ratio_inc"]); divStr += this._setDiv("dec", retHash["ratio_dec"]); innerSet($("sz_a_inc_dec_table"), divStr, null); } if (retObj["sh"]){ var retHash = retObj["sh"]; divStr = this._setDiv("inc", retHash["ratio_inc"]); divStr += this._setDiv("dec", retHash["ratio_dec"]); innerSet($("sh_a_inc_dec_table"), divStr, null); } }